5-р хичээл Органик урвал, органик урвалын төрөл

Гомбодоржийн Золзаяа 1990 онд МУИС-ийг Химич, Химийн багш мэргэжлээр төгссөн.2008 онд МУИС -д химийн ухааны магистр зэрэг авсан.Боловсролын байгууллагад 1990оноос тасралтгүй 24 дэх жилдээ ажиллаж байна. 2007 онд "багшийн алдар" медаль, 2008 оны БГД-ийн багш нарын ур чадварын уралдааны 2-р байр, 2008 онд "хүүхдэд ээлтэй мэдлэг чадвартай багш" өргөмжлөл, 2009 онд "Ахлах багш" цол тэмдэг, 2012 онд МБШУ-ны ҮЭХ-ны хүндэт өргөмжлөл 2013 онд "Боловсролын тэргүүний ажилтан" цол тэмдгээр тус тус шагнагдсан.
•Халалцах •Нэгдэх •Изомержих •Исэлдэх, ангижрах урвалыг бичиж сурах

A: We updated or added 59 videos in the course, covering interface and workflow changes, as well as new tools added to the Creative Cloud version of Premiere Pro since this course was originally published. If you have already watched this course, we recommend reviewing the movies marked "new." Premium members with an annual plan can download courses to their iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and watch them while offline.
A: We updated or added 59 videos in the course, covering interface and workflow changes, as well as new tools added to the Creative Cloud version of Premiere Pro since this course was originally published. If you have already watched this course, we recommend reviewing the movies marked "new." Premium members with an annual plan can download courses to their iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and watch them while offline.
A: We updated or added 59 videos in the course, covering interface and workflow changes, as well as new tools added to the Creative Cloud version of Premiere Pro since this course was originally published. If you have already watched this course, we recommend reviewing the movies marked "new." Premium members with an annual plan can download courses to their iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and watch them while offline.
Бүртгүүлсэн сурагчид асуулт асуух боломжтой!