11-р Хичээл Нэрлэх ба асуух утгатай өгүүлбэр

Багш Үржинбадам 83-р сургуулийн Бага ангийн багшаар 9 ажиллаж байгаа. Доктрант Ур чадварын уралдааны аврага багш юм.
Аливаа нэгэн юмыг лавлан өгүүлбэрээр асууж хариулт авахыг асуух өгүүлбэр гэх ба бичигт ард нь ? тавина /хуудас 90-97/

A: We updated or added 59 videos in the course, covering interface and workflow changes, as well as new tools added to the Creative Cloud version of Premiere Pro since this course was originally published. If you have already watched this course, we recommend reviewing the movies marked "new." Premium members with an annual plan can download courses to their iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and watch them while offline.
A: We updated or added 59 videos in the course, covering interface and workflow changes, as well as new tools added to the Creative Cloud version of Premiere Pro since this course was originally published. If you have already watched this course, we recommend reviewing the movies marked "new." Premium members with an annual plan can download courses to their iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and watch them while offline.
A: We updated or added 59 videos in the course, covering interface and workflow changes, as well as new tools added to the Creative Cloud version of Premiere Pro since this course was originally published. If you have already watched this course, we recommend reviewing the movies marked "new." Premium members with an annual plan can download courses to their iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and watch them while offline.
Бүртгүүлсэн сурагчид асуулт асуух боломжтой!